Tuesday 11 December 2012


For my final major project with culture i chose to do the British culture of the 1980' with the Punk scene being the main influencer. The mediums i used for this project were not ones i am used to using such as screen printing, spray painting and collage.i enjoyed using new techniques but took a while to understand the stenciling process of detailed images. This project had so many outcomes but for Graphics we had to make a poster to go into the TATE Gallery. My final piece consisted of scans of all my prints, placed in a thumbnail layout with the body text at the bottom.


This project was to study the work of Robert Rauschenberg with the outcome of an A3 canvas. These are just some of my work inspired by Rauschenberg. Done by using a variety of mediums such as Pastels and watercolour. I enjoyed making these compositions as they were different and spontaneous.

Tuesday 4 December 2012


My brief was to study 'Colour Theory' with the outcome of 5 colour compositions to relate to colour  symbolism. The artists i studied throughout this project were David Carson, Stefan Sagmeister. The compositions had to be 125x120cm. To get the background research i looked at colour theory as a whole with tints/hint, analogous/complementary/tertiary colours and more. Throughout the process or the project i have many outcomes and ideas for these compositions but these are the final ones